Posts in Food
Homemade Honey Granola

This whole quarantine thing has got me on a big homemade granola kick. (Especially when eaten with chia pudding.) It’s so easy to make and your house will smell amazing while it’s baking.

Hopefully, you already have the ingredients on hand so you can start making yours right now!

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Spring Charcuterie Board Inspiration

Hands down, one of my favorite ways to slow down and connect with the people I love is around the table. Food brings people together in ways that almost nothing else can. But, if you're one of those people who thinks "Ahhh hosting is the worst, I'd have to cook a bunch of food!" I'm here to tell you that's just not the case. There's this magical little secret, my friends, and it's called a charcuterie board. You literally don't have to cook anything. Can I get an amen?!

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A Sweet + Spicy Stir Fry | 2 Ways

My obsession with a ramen noodle stir fry all started a few weeks ago when I was at my parent's house over lunch time. I was hungry, my Mom was hungry, and we're both dairy free, so, I'm pretty sure her words were "all I have is asparagus.... and noodles -- that sound good?"

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Snack Tray / The Original

Snack trays were invited by my Mom in the late '90s.  😂 Unlike today's modern snack tray, they were created out of necessity -- out of "we have nothing but random fruits and crackers and ingredients in our pantry" so, let's slap them all on a cutting board and call it dinner.

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