Peach & Blackberry Smoothie Bowls


Y'all. If you're looking for a way to basically eat summer for breakfast, this is it. Blended frozen Peach Truck Peaches, topped with sliced bananas, chia seeds, pecans, dragon fruit and blackberries that are ready to burst -- what could be better?! (Mmm.. eating this on an island, and not my front porch in Manheim with mosquitos... but, still!)

Smoothie bowls are as easy as they sound. Start with your smoothie base, but instead of drinking it in a cup with a straw, transfer it to a bowl and top with more goodness! Because you want to be able to scoop out the smoothie with your spoon, almost like a yogurt parfait, I tend to make my smoothie base much thicker than I would if I were planning to drink it out of a cup. It helps hold up the toppings and gives you that ice cream texture and experience. 

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. If you're wanting to get the best of the best peaches around, like for realz, you gotta order a box from our friends at The Peach Truck. Peach season isn't much longer, so don't miss it! Or maybe you're one of the lucky people who actually live near one of their market locations!? Please pick up an extra large brown bag of peaches for me and drive them all the way to my house. I will pay you in smoothie bowls and Peaches + Biscuits and eternal friendship.

Have fun making these simple and delicious Peach & Blackberry smoothie bowls. Be sure to tag me on Instagram if you do, either @walkinlove or @brookecourtney.





Peach Smoothie Base (Serves 1)

  • 1 sliced and frozen peach

  • 1/2 frozen banana

  • 1/4 c. almond milk

Blackberry Smoothie Base (Serves 1)

  • 1/2 c. frozen blackberries

  • 1/2 frozen banana

  • 1/4 c. almond milk


  • Sliced bananas

  • Sliced peaches

  • Blackberries (frozen works too!)

  • Raspberries

  • Dragon fruit

  • Nuts

  • Chia Seeds

Combine ingredients for your smoothie base of choice in a blender. Blend until smooth, adding more milk if needed to reach desired texture. Taste test. (You can always add a little bit of honey if needed for extra sweetness.) Transfer smoothie base to bowl. 

Top your smoothie bowl with all of the summery goodness you can find. Here's how we did it!


Peach Base Smoothie Bowl / Toppings included sliced bananas, chia seeds, pecans, semi-frozen blackberries, dragon fruit bites, and peaches.

Blackberry Base Smoothie Bowl / Toppings included sliced bananas, chia seeds, almonds, semi-frozen blackberries, raspberries, sliced peaches and a dragon fruit star.


Tip: Place your smoothie bowl in the freezer if you need a little bit more time to get all of your toppings ready. This way it won't melt, but instead it will have a few extra minutes to freeze up before you add all the goodies to the top!


** This post is sponsored by The Peach Truck. As always, all opinions and recipes are our own. Thank you for supporting the brands who support our blog! **