We think it's safe to say that everyone wants life to be a little simpler. No one lays their head down at night and thinks, "You know, I wish today had been way more complicated and chaotic." Right? (Goodness, we hope not!!)
We know first hand how quickly a “normal day” can spin out into instant chaos between work schedules, kids, activities, household upkeep, and literally just trying to figure out what's for dinner tonight.
And then you add it all up: day after day, or week after week, of feeling like things are just swirling around with no forward motion or progress — of feeling like “Are we working towards anything as a family?” “Am I going to feel this way all the time?!” “Will my to-do list always determine my mood?!”
Sound familiar? Well, the good news is, you’re not alone. Not even a tiny bit.
HI. We’re the mousetis family and we’ve been there.
Heck, we lived “there” most of last year, and it was so hard.
Feel like you’re just surviving the day instead of enjoying it?
Endlessly scroll the day away while ignoring the things that would actually make you feel better? (ie: laundry put away, dinner around the table, cleaning out the junk drawer, exercising...)
Wish you had routine and rhythm to your days?
Feel like everyone in your family has separate schedules and calendars that don’t work together?
Cry alone in the shower wondering if it will always be this way?
(Okay, okay... too far! But seriously... we’ve totally done that.)
Our family had lists and planners full of everything we needed or wanted to do — clean bathroom, go on vacation, start potty training, get almond milk, make date night a priority, pick up a present for next weekend’s party — and the lists went on and on! And so the things that really mattered to us, like saving for a vacation or making date night a priority, was getting lost amongst the daily life things like "clean bathroom” or “get almond milk”. We felt overwhelmed looking at an entire’s month’s calendar of activities and appointments, when we felt as though we weren’t even using today well.
We were craving rhythm and routine, but we didn't even know where to start. It wasn't until we started to simplify the expectations we were putting on ourselves, and started to look for ways to simplify what was right in front of us, day by day, that we started to feel the fog lift and our joy return.
so, we created something to help us simplify our days.
And you know what happened? It worked! We went from running through our house trying to “do all the things” to only doing the some of the things — the right things — because we’d taken the time to plan out what needed to happen each individual day. We stopped just feeding the kids, and then eating dinner ourselves later, to sitting down around the table almost every night for a meal together. We carved out more time as a family, and yet also had more time to do things individually. And possibly the best thing is that we created habits and a rhythm to our days that our kids are now learning from and depending on.
The Family Plan Calendar
Designed to keep your family on the same page.
The family plan calendar was born out of necessity. For way too long we felt like we were just surviving life at home as a family, and not thriving as a family. On the other hand, as small business owners, we had all sorts of tools in place to plan, execute, grow, and stay organized as a business! But then we would come home, and instantly life felt scattered again. Why wasn’t there something to help keep our family intentional, organized and simple? And out of that realization, and frustration, the Family Plan Calendar was created!
“This calendar has been great for our busy family of 5! We have sports almost every night and this has helped us all to be on the same page with the plans for the week. I also love having the spot for the word of the week and my boys like to come with their idea for this for each week. Get this calendar, you won’t be sorry!”
“Love this calendar and it’s exactly what I was hoping for to keep our family organized on a weekly basis. It’s perfect for my kids to look at to see what’s for dinner or what activities we have planned for the week. Now they don’t always have to ask me these things but can look on the wall and see it all at a glance! The layout is great, the extra spots for prayers and thankfulness are awesome, and I love the large size! Yay!!”
Calendar Specs
- 17 x 20
- 26 pages (half a year)
- Non-dated (so you can start whenever it arrives)
- Black and white minimal design, perfect for any home decor style
- Made in the U.S.A.