It's a Rough Season, But It's Just a Season

Every now and then, I try to challenge myself creatively, just to keep the juices flowing. My most recent challenge is a to take non-phone photos, for five days in a row, and then share those images and the story of my day on the walk in love blog + my Instagram - @tjmousetis

Yesterday was day one. It was spent at work in the morning and at home over June’s nap, so Brooke could take Sunny to a doctor’s appointment.  Then I went back to work, and then home again, and had both girls over bedtime while Brooke went out and be a real human adult with other real human adult women. 🎉 When I was driving home from work to watch June I called my mom to catch up. I can always make my mom laugh, so I was telling her funny June stories about the trials and tribulations of potty training and being parents to young kids. At one point, during our back and forth, my mom said, "It's a tiring season of life, but it's just a season."

That really spoke to my heart because 2018 has been a hard year for our family. Don’t read into that by any means, all I am saying is that sometimes life is hard, and there are seasons when it just feels and actually is harder that before.

But, as my mom said, "it's just a season”, and if you find yourself on the harder end of the year or season, remember this — seasons change. As my good friend Lara Casey says, “spring ALWAYS follows winter."


And while 2018 has been harder for us, Brooke and I have never communicated better, given each other more grace and called each other's attention to heaven more often. While I could do without some of the trials, I am still looking for the joy in all of them, looking for the glory in all of them and looking for the goodness in all of them.

Even in the rough seasons, the winter seasons, the two kids-the potty training-the crying infant seasons, remember that spring is coming, dawn is breaking and in all seasons, God is so good.