Posts in Video
Free to be Free

There is something inside of us that wants to be free. It's what makes us scream and laugh while we barrel down the tracks of a roller coaster, or stick our arm out of the car window during the first hot days of summer.

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Video, AdviceT.J. Mousetis
Giving + Receiving Alone Time

One thing we try to do in our marriage is practice giving and receiving alone time. This weekend, Brooke was gifted some alone time to go thrifting (which is one of her favorite things to do) while I stayed home with the kids.

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VideoT.J. Mousetis
Celebrating June's 4th Birthday!

We celebrated June's 4th birthday and shared some of our favorite moments of her life + the traits in her that we adore. Stick around for the final thoughts because it's something anyone can do that will make a big difference in our lives and the lives of those around us.

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VideoT.J. Mousetis