Behind The Design | Be Still & Know

He says, "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth." - Psalm 46:10

Every year we take the month of January off social media. It's a refreshing way to start the year both because of the noise social media contributes to our lives and the fact that it's also our job. We don't stop working; we pause the sharing side of our work and find ourselves in planning and vision mode instead of sharing mode.

In 2022, after an amazingly full and unexpected year of 2021, we were very much looking forward to January. As Brooke so elegantly put it, "It's like in 2021 around April we played that game where you put your forehead on the bat and spin a bunch, then try to run."

We decided to move to Maui, spun around a bat, started running, bought a house, and had a baby. All excellent things, but they made us feel like we were the emotional and mental equivalent of a cartoon character seeing stars at the end of the year.

And so, we were very much looking forward to the rhythm of taking social off in January.

Then we went to Pennsylvania for Christmas, and Brooke got sick; she passed it to June, who gave it to Daisy, who passed it to Sunny and seemingly passed it back to June. I, somehow, by the grace of God, have remained unscathed, but obviously, I tell Brooke it's because "my body is a temple" while stuffing handfuls of sour punch bites into my mouth. The eye rolls are worth the joke every time.

So we stumbled out of the blocks into the new year both by feeling sick and then also not being in our own home. Not ideal, but that's where we are, and it's usually this time of the month I feel so much clarity by being off social but not this year. This year I feel tired of kids coming into my room coughing and crying; I feel frustrated that Brooke and I haven't had the chance to sit down and talk about what we want for our family this year.

And yet, when I think about the start to the year, I realize that by eliminating the noise of social I have found more time to sit outside on our front porch in the morning, read my Bible and book of choice, write some thoughts in my journal and enjoy a homemade iced latte.

I have a few goals jotted down but haven't had this grand, extraordinary vision-filled meeting with Brooke. I've just had more still mornings, moments to realize that there is no perfect month, perfect goal, perfect set-up to success, but there is a perfect God who is always waiting for me to slow down enough and enjoy His presence.

So if you find yourself waiting and saying, "I will be still with the Lord when.....," that's a recipe never to be still, to never slow down and rest in His perfect presence.

So even though the month featured way more coughing kids and less incredible vision moments than I expected. I am finding that I feel more spiritually and emotionally prepared for the year ahead because of those still moments before my kids are up, being still and knowing that He is God.